Pictures from the last 20 Years

Pages 1 to 34 so far have been terminated. The others to be followed.

I have put together the pictures from 1979-2000 and placed them here for you. The one or the other of you will recognize himself.

You should start at no. 1 and click through for chronology reasons. Unbelievable how long this has been for and we have not become younger. In case one of you remains with pictures from “the good old times” please send them to me, so I can add them after scanning and will return the pictures to you, of course. The quality of the pictures from the 80-ties is not too good, the later ones are better.

In order not to make the loading time too long I have minimized them.

I abstained from extensive texts.

I wish all of you gold, at least for most of you.

